last yam cha of tis holiday vf jia chie,yih tyng,kai xin n kim yau at termeloh abc.
jz nw received msg fr kx,they got accident after fetch me back,pity them =(
scared by the crazy uncle.
the stupid drunk uncle really enough stupid 1 ==
luckily no one injured,if nt?huh,the uncle sure pokai everyday,vomit at least 100 times everytime he drunk!!! (cursing him ><)
according to kx,jc still in ketakutan n vry zun nw,cz he faced a vry dangerous moment jz nw,the drunken uncle wanna take rude on him!
haiz,pity him...
need to send him 镇惊散 tomolo alr.
need to go back kl soon,sigh...
goodbye to all my dear friends~
kai xin,jia chie,yih tyng,yean sin and kim yau,a big thanks to u guys 4 giving me a super wonderful holiday...
take care everyone~
see ya,muax ^3^
- CV forever -
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